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Pruneti Milan 2021

Milano, September 8, 2021 In Milan, the capital of design and fashion, Pruneti is launches its Pop Up Concept Store at the Rinascente Duomo! This is the first stop of an international road show to exhibit the 100% Pruneti Life Style in Chianti Classico and the company’s new way of communicating Extra Virgin Oil Culture dedicated to younger generations and to Pandemennials. Gionni and Paolo have chosen Milan as their first stop to present their lifestyle concept, an initiative designed to both enhance the quality of the cuisine in capitals around the world with excellent extra virgin olive oil and to transmit an educated and informed olive oil culture to new generations. “We wanted to start with Milan, so we chose the Rinascente and opted for a pop-up store formula,” begins Gionni Pruneti. “For us, these are 3 disruptive and unconventional choices, which embody the sense of the 100% Pruneti Life Style in Chianti Classico, and which demonstrate our continuing commitment to innovatively make Extra Virgin Olive Oil an essential part of the contemporary world and to talk about it in a new way for the generations to come. ” The Pruneti family – innovators both by tradition and by nature – have chosen the 6th floor of the Rinascente Milano Duomo. It is an exclusive location, which well illustrates the vision of Gionni and Paolo, according to which Pruneti extra virgin olive oil becomes more than simply a product and takes on its own unique personality. It has its own distinctive character and an awareness of its own limits, limits that are conditioned by balancing the excellence of the product, the design of the packaging and, of course, the culture of the consumer. “Particularly significant for me,” says Paolo, “and for the whole panorama of extra virgin olive oil is the formula we have chosen. As innovators in agriculture and production, we have also decided to take on the role of spokesperson for a new trend in the shopping experience, particularly appreciated by consumers in the post-covid era. We offer a live shopping experience, if only temporary, that is not bound by convention and we integrate the experience of the Frantoio, the Pruneti Extra Gallery in Greve in Chianti, as well as our e-commerce and digital shopping and communication channels. It is in this futuristic perspective that, as artisans, we want to communicate our innovative vision of the world and the options available to explore the world of extra virgin olive oil.” The “PRUNETI MILANO” Pop-Up Store opens its doors on Friday, September 10 on the 6th floor in the Rinascente Milano Duomo for all Italian and international enthusiasts and experts. Every day, from 10.00 to 20.00 experts from the Pruneti team will guide a series of activities – such as the Oil Game and Private Tastings – to which all are welcome, with or without a reservation. There are, additionally, 4 exciting Private Events with high quality hosts. “The calendar of Private Events and Masterclasses begins on Thursday 16 September,” Paolo continues, “with the presentation of 100% Pruneti Life Style in Chianti Classico.” The second appointment is on Wednesday, September 22 with a fully immersive exploration of all the secrets of extra virgin olive oil. The event includes a tasting of the Monocultivar Pruneti collection and an in-depth study how they can be used in cocktails: the techniques, the Pruneti mixoilogy, and drinking responsibly. Then we go to September 23. Special guests will be the students of Polimoda Florence – Alessia Quilici, Federica Spinuso and Francesca Bocci, winners of the Pruneti bursary. The collaboration of Pruneti with Polimoda Firenze is meant to find ways to innovatively communicate extra virgin olive oil culture and involve young generations from all over the world in the 100% Pruneti Life Style in Chianti Classico. This will be an exclusive preview of what is to come. The Private Events program ends on Friday, October 1 with a masterclass dedicated to food pairing, the daily use of Pruneti extra virgin olive oil as an ally for health and as added value for the excellence of a dish. The event will be hosted by Duccio Pistolesi, official chef of ACF Fiorentina. ” Pruneti thus inaugurates a new era of communication and promotion of the culture of extra virgin olive oil, and is pleased to present its partners, Nature Design, Mussi Arredamenti and the artist Paolo Fusi, with whom it has collaborated to produce the pop-up store. Pruneti is proud of its commitment to promoting the excellence of Italian organizations that can compete successfully all over the world and reaffirms its commitment to the quality and detail that the design of the pop-up store represents. And, in closing, for all food addicts, the 100% Pruneti Life Style in Chianti Classico will be presented simultaneously also in the Rinascente Rome, Florence and Turin with a program of special events. For dates and invitations click on – a selection of the Pruneti products is always on the shelf! For information e bookings starting Thursday 09.09.21

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